New Haircut , New Name, and New Foster Dog

I did this haircut on Boogie ages ago but didn't get around to photographing it till tonight.

Last week I met Cinnamon's original foster family. We were discussing the training needs of various of their family dogs when Marilyn asked me if I remembered a Golden mix named Cinnamon who had been adopted from the St. Charles Shelter via an adoption day at our store. Apparently, Johnnie and Marilyn had cared for Cinnamon more than once and for many, many months. When Cinnamon first came into rescue, she had two young puppies with her and a bad case of heartworms. She also wore a collar that said "Sadie," but the shelter staff had renamed her Cinnamon. Johnnie and Marilyn saw her through her heartworm treatment. She was placed in an adoption once but it lasted only a month or two. Her second stay in foster care with Johnnie and Marilyn was quite lengthy, and Marilyn said it almost felt as if she had been placed with them permanently. She said that bringing Cinnamon back to the store was quite difficult, especially the second time. Repeatedly they spoke of her haunting, fluid eyes and how sad those eyes often seemed. Cinnamon Sadie had always been a master of using those eyes to get her way. She was an inveterate flirt who responded particularly well to men. Johnnie and Marilyn are convinced that Cinnamon Sadie was a femme fatale in a past life. It all rings true. I now call Cinnamon by both names. Someday soon Johnnie and Marilyn will come to my house to visit their long-lost friend.
We took in another foster dog today! A woman came into the grooming salon who used to be a grooming client. She lost the hair salon that she owned in Katrina and moved to FL for a while. She's been living in her car with her little poodle Egypt, same age and size as Boogie. She can't afford to board him and they aren't allowing her to keep him where she's living now. She wanted to make sure that Egypt continued to receive first-rate care, but she wept at the thought of abandoning him to strangers. She has had him for all his three years. Trinette has a current cosmetology license, but was willing to go to work bathing dogs today, if they would hire her. Unfortunately, the store manager was off for the holiday, and all hires are done via on-line application.

She was in tears. Little Egypt, a black miniature poodle, neutered and housebroken, looked very sweet and had obviously been well-kept. I know from dealing with my customers that a small healthy poodle would be incredibly easy to place in a permanent home, should Trinette despair of ever being able to take him back. I hope she can get back on her feet soon. In the meantime, Egypt is welcome among my pack.