President-Elect Obama, Meet Your Perfect Dog
An Open Letter to the Obama Family:
Dear Obamas,
My understanding is that your choice of a new pet dog has two criteria: one that your dog be a rescue dog, and two, that s/he be hypoallergenic. I have the perfect dog for you. Shadow (her current name) was brought into the national pet supply chain where I work by a woman who has been widowed for eight years. Shadow is a vibrant, lovely, black Golden Doodle, eight months old. Her mom felt quite overwhelmed by the time and energy required to take care of her. She was working several days a week--not for long hours, but long enough that Shadow chewed some of her furniture. Our operations manager tried to talk the Pet Parent into buying and using a training crate for when she wasn't home. I suggested a training class, which would allow the woman to feel less out-of-control, generally more empowered, and which would be able to address specific training needs as they came up. (For example, I would suggest using a taste deterrent on the furniture so that once Shadow tasted the furniture, she would no longer want to lick its bitter taste.)

Alas, Shadow's mom would have none of it. Although she spent quite a bit of money on thorough health care and spaying, she said she had even gone so far as to take Shadow to the local shelter to relinquish her. The shelter staff told her that, if Shadow were really that destructive, that they could not guarantee that she would be adoptable. They were speaking from a position of knowing that larger dogs and black dogs are less likely to be adopted in a rescue situation. Particularly in post-Katrina Louisiana, a large dog is harder to place, because people want a dog who is easier to transport and shelter in the case of a hurricane evacuation. So, still hurting and confused, Shadow's mother came into my store.

As a pet trainer, a practicing psychologist, and a recent widow myself, I could not help but be touched by the woman's story. I had taken in several animals from shelters since Hurricane Katrina: some as permanent pets, some as boarders, and others as fosters. In fact, well before Katrina I founded and operated (for four years) a Golden Retriever rescue called Old Gold Senior Dog Rescue of Louisiana. Since the loss of my husband in January 2007, I have tried to reduce the number of animals in my care, but the only way to help Shadow was to bring her into my home.
Tomorrow (November 14) will make one week since Shadow came to me. Shadow is now living with Butterball and Jesse, two mature Golden females, and Max, a Mastiff-Cocker mix who looks like a Brittany on steroids. She is happy here, although Butterball has resource guarding issues, and growls at her nearly every time she approaches. Shadow enjoys wrestling playfully with Max and with Jesse. Her house-training is impeccable. Because the White House is full of people all the time, I am certain that she would feel secure as the Obama family dog.

As an eight-month-old pup, she is still young enough for the girls to enjoy her playful nature and to enjoy watching her grow and change. She is close to her adult size, however. She is affectionate, responsive to direction, and cooperative with bathing. She is up-to-date on all vaccines, flea prevention, and heartworm prevention. She is more lively than my Goldens, but I cannot tell to what degree that is due to her youth, and to what degree that is due to her Poodle heritage. She is a true Golden Doodle and does not shed.

Please consider Shadow as a possible member of your family. She would be an ever-present reminder of the irrepressible people and animals of Louisiana, but--more importantly for your entire family--she would be a loving and responsive family member. She could easily be taught to respond to another name, as we in rescue commonly change dogs' names. I am fond of her, but an opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime. Shadow would do great as a White House dog.
Gloria Manucia
If you are reading this blog and you would like to help promote Shadow's consideration by the Obama family, please feel free to link to this post any way you like.